At Kiwili, we are listening. In recent months, we have received great suggestions from you to optimize our CRM. We are pleased to announce that your wishes have been granted! Your Kiwili CRM now has advanced features designed to help you close deals faster.
Discover the new features included in Kiwili’s CRM
‘Client’ and ‘Supplier’ tabs
You can now clearly distinguish your lists of clients and suppliers right from Kiwili’s display bar.
Type of contact
Kiwili now offers you the option to select different types of contacts (personal or business).
Create a contact using email
Automatically create a contact in Kiwili by sending a vCard to: contact.<yourprefix>@
Client’s dashboard
View client information at a glance, including contact info, projects, tasks, quotes, invoices, and the date of the last follow-up.
Advanced client list search tool
Discover new search options in the ‘Find a Business’ tool below.
Thanks to you, Kiwili is smarter and better adapted to your everyday needs. Please continue to send us feedback and comments so we can improve our services!
Did you know that Kiwili has just launched a Client Centre designed to simplify project collaboration with stakeholders and manage your statement of accounts easily? Read our blog post to learn more, and find out how Kiwili’s Client Centre can revolutionize the way you do business and work with your clients.

Kiwili is an all-in-one business management software. It is at the same time an easy invoicing software, an accounting software, a CRM, a convenient project management tool and a time tracking software. Everything you need to manage your business like a pro!