Leading a team isn’t always easy. Seeing a project through can quickly become complicated if something has been missed off the schedule. Having a clear vision from the get-go forms the basis of good project management, but of course there are other elements involved, starting with you

So what’s the secret to seamless project management? Our top tips for effective project management : staff management, establishing a suitable work environment through project management software, and keeping track of everyone’s progress.



    1. What Is The Difference Between Project Management, Project Administration And Project Steering
    2. Take On The Role Of Leader
    3. Know How To Mediate
    4. Use The Right Tools


1 – What Is The Difference Between Project Management, Project Administration And Project Steering

Before getting started, let’s look at a theory on the different terms used to describe project management. Project management, project administration, and project steering, there is a tendency to use these three terms interchangeably and treat them as synonyms, however at their core they are different concepts:

      • Project administration :
        Refers to the general organization of a project. From the budget allocations to human resources and materials, the project manager must ensure that resources are distributed effectively. The targets need to be reached within the agreed deadline.
      • Project steering :
        Refers to the operational elements of a project. It consists of monitoring and steering the execution of each task of the project. Project steering focuses on the output of each of the team members (as opposed to project management which is centered on productivity).
      • Project management :
        Refers to the managerial dimension of managing a project. Taking on the role of manager for a team and implementing your leadership style. A manager’s first priority is ensuring things run smoothly and that the team members work well together. A manager focuses first and foremost on the performance of the team, and does their best to work towards project objectives.

Even if there are some differences between these concepts, they are nevertheless closely interlinked. You’ll need to be comfortable with each of these three notions for a project to be completed successfully. 


2 -Take On The Role Of Leader

Being a leader doesn’t mean being a boss who controls and monitors every last detail. Your expertise and senior position may justify your place as leader, but you must have respect for your team to be considered as such. 

Your behavior within the working group is instrumental for steering the project. A team will be made up of members with very varied profiles. Some will need to be managed closely, while others will work almost completely independently. It’s down to you to correctly identify individual behaviors and find the best way of working with the different personality types

An important dimension of this methodology is understanding their expectations. What motivates them? What do they find rewarding? Do they like working as a team? You need to find out more about your colleagues to be able to move forward as a team and work through everyone’s differences. Analyzing these details, you’ll be capable of fine tuning your management style to suit the needs of your team.


3 -Know How To Mediate

Even if you need to remain impartial and be considerate and understanding of your team members, you’re still the key decision maker who must decide on the direction of the project. Therefore, you need to be capable of looking at things rationally and setting your emotions aside if and when personal conflicts arise. 

Good project steering is making good choices for the project. Learning more about your team and their working styles through research and reflection is essential before making any big decisions (if we don’t want to have any regrets, that is!).  

Decision making doesn’t have to be done alone either. Get your colleagues involved in your thought process, even if it means holding brainstorming sessions or using a voting system to help you make decisions. 


4 -Use The Right Tools

Defining the scope of work is one of the first things that needs to be done when planning a project. Splitting the work into tasks is essential, and you’ll also need the right tools for the job, whether you’re working as an individual or in a team. 

There are many advantages to online project management software, nevertheless you must aim to abide by a few key principles

      • Limit Information Overload (aka Infobesity) :
        An online tool needs to decrease the amount of information created, not increase. The goal is to be able to concentrate on your work while having everything you need readily available. Consider what your needs are *before* starting to use the software, don’t fall into the trap of having to use a software to figure out how to use a software. Management softwares should be user-friendly enough that you can learn on the job so make sure to outline your needs (eg. a collaborative work space, document sharing, a dashboard, etc.) before getting into how to use the software. 
      • Reduce The Number Of Tools As Much As Possible :
        The aim of an online tool, is to reduce the various interfaces and intermediaries between the stakeholders and the necessary information as far as possible. As a result, we recommend working with as few tools as possible to ensure that your team are familiar with their features and functions.
      • Store All Of Your Information In One Place :
        Follow-up notes, documents, reports, dialogue, centralize all of your actions on one single platform. This guarantees that everyone works from central documents and that your information is always up-to-date. With everything based on one platform, the collective output and general cohesion of the group can be at its very best.
      • Welcome All Things Digital :
        In order to keep your finger on the pulse, you and your team need to be ready to adopt new methods and practices. The competition is often tough, and not only having the right tools, but really knowing how to use them is an undeniable strategic advantage for your business. Make sure you get the most out of your new software, making it not only an integral part of your workflow, but making use of it in meetings and for day-to-day communication too.

Project steering requires expertise and the right tools. Having the title of project manager isn’t enough. You need to have the right attitude and be proactive in order to get a project completed successfully. This comes above all from listening, personal research/development/work, and encouraging your team. 

Our recipe for success starts with defining a clear and collaborative scope of work, favoring teamwork and working together efficiently. You can also check out our 7 best practices in project management.

Kiwili’s project management software is one of the tools that can help you to better steer your projects. Try out our 14 day free trial to see for yourself!


Sign up for Kiwili today for the best all-in-one management software for entrepreneurs and SME’s, and simplify the day-to-day management of your business. 

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