April updates of Kiwili business management software

Adding the visual of the available credit in the payment window

When you want to add a payment to an invoicing you will know at a glance if your client has a credit or not. You will then be able to select the “credit” payment method to apply it to his invoice.

Adding the client’s average payment term to the invoice

To choose the due date of your invoicing, you now have an indicator that informs you of the actual average payment time of your client. So you can adjust the due date to get paid as soon as possible.

Adding task hours to the Workload tab of the steps

The feature of workload management in projects has evolved. You now have all the information about the budgeted work time, remaining work and completed work (according to time entries) of the tasks of the step in the “workload” tab.

Invoice number for invoicing in the list of expenses

In your expense list, you can directly see the invoice number that corresponds to the invoicing of your expense.

Ability to change a canceled expense to “To be paid” status

If you have an expense that is mistakenly in “cancelled” status, you can now change it to “To be paid” status and keep all the information without having to recreate it.

Possibility to reorder the steps

You can now reorganize the steps as you wish using the buttons in the steps. By default, they will be sorted by order of creation or by order of estimate.

By-product products

For your inventory management, you now have the ability to create compound products. For example, if you sell tables, in your inventory you can link the boards, nails and other tools you need to build this table.

March updates of the Kiwili management and invoicing software

You can choose multiple answers within a task search. For example, you can filter to get the tasks assigned to several people in particular. This new feature is also available for task status and priority.

Adding the purchase order field to the project

You can now add a client purchase order number to your projects.

Afterwards, this client purchase order number will be present on all invoices related to your project.

When you want to add a new user, now you just have to click on “Add a user”. Kiwili will propose that you buy an additional license if you don’t have enough.

Then you will be redirected to the management of your plan directly.

This new feature is also available when you want to remove a user. Kiwili will then propose you to remove a user license.

This new feature helps you avoid mistakes and pay only for the licenses you use.

Adding the estimated margin to the project page graphic

On the graph of your project indicators, you now have a new information which is the estimated margin of your project. It is the amount of your estimates minus your expenses and salaries.

Adding project numbers to reports

In all your performance reports related to your projects, you have the project number information available.

Default prices in expense items

You can now indicate a price for each of your expense items. This will save you time when creating your expenses, as the unit price will already be indicated (you can always modify it before validating your expense).

If you have access to the purchase module, this price is overwritten by the supplier catalog price.

Add all task fields to the task list

Your list of tasks is enriched. You now have all the tasks of the options included in the tasks present as columns. This gives you even more information and allows you more flexibility in your task management.

Please note that you can always use the icon on the far left to show or hide the columns you want.

Adding information to the list of bank account balances

In the list of your bank account balances, you now have much more information. You have the transaction information, the opening balance date and the opening balance. You also have an alert when the opening balance does not match the previous closing balance.

History of follow-ups in accounts receivable

In your accounts receivable report, when you click on the “Follow-up” icon you now have access to the entire contact history with the client.

February updates of Kiwili business management and accounting software

Inclusion of completed steps in the workload report

New features have been added to the “Workload” report. Information about completed steps is now available. You have the drop down menu to choose if you want to include them or not in the report.

Changing the user in the time entries from the management page

The person in charge of managing time entries will be able to change the user assigned to a time entry by clicking on it in the time entry management module.

Target invoicing hours

You can now set a target number of invoicing hours to be achieved per user. To do this you must go to Configuration / Users / Schedule / Define the percentage of billable hours target.

Then you can analyze the results with the hours per employee ratio.

Available only for Enterprise plans

Improved loading speed of accounting reports

The data in the accounting reports loads faster to give you a quicker result.

Change of client for a project even if no estimate or invoice is assigned to it.

When you go to create a project, you can then assign a client directly to it without the need for a linked estimate or invoice.

Apply global model colors in progressive invoices

You can now customize your invoices that have a progressive template.

To do so, you must first check the box to apply the character and background colors to progressive invoices.

Kiwili est un logiciel de gestion d’entreprise tout-en-un. A la fois logiciel de facturation et de devis, c’est aussi un vrai logiciel de comptabilité. Avec son CRM en ligne, c’est un logiciel de gestion de projets pratique, qui inclut un logiciel de feuilles de temps en ligne. Tout ce qu’il vous faut pour gérer votre entreprise !